It Was a Calling.
In an instant…
Everything changed. All the puzzle pieces started coming together.
In an instant—everything changed.
It was at church near the coffee bar, of all places, and I was talking to another woman about discipleship, when she asked me: Can you just write down what you're doing so I can do it too? She was asking about what I do with my discipleship groups and had been walking with Jesus herself for many years.
Now, ideally we'd all just cozy up on the couch together and work this thing out, but for a variety of reasons that's just not always possible. I realized in that moment there are probably many other believers out there who would sincerely love to pour their lives into the next person, or even the next generation, and partner with them as they walk with God. However, since most people haven't had this experience themselves, they simply don't know where to start.
I couldn't stop thinking about this all the way home. Beyond my own personal discipleship groups, would it be possible to do exactly what she'd asked? To write down what we were doing, which are the very same things that were done for me years prior, and to equip other believers to embrace the greater purpose God has for their lives?
Not only that, what if I added in some of the leadership lessons I've learned over the past two decades in my work and shared those too to help disciple-makers lead their small groups more effectively? And how about if there were a way for disciples and disciple-makers to stay in community together and keep the spark alive as they each live out the Great Commission lifestyle?
This wasn’t an option, it was a calling.
I had an unshakable feeling down to my core that I just had to share these truths with the world. I had no idea how all of this would take shape. Or even more unexpectedly, just how excited others would be to join the journey…
Well, fast forward to today, and we’re off and running! The website is in place to connect all the dots. The gathering space is live, albeit virtual, and we’re having some killer conversations. I wrote the Small Batch Discipleship book. (Well truthfully, God wrote the book…I just showed up.) I added in the leadership lessons and folded in others’ stories, as well, so people from every walk of life can visualize themselves walking this thing out too. The editing team polished it all up. My rockstar launch team helped get the word out, and the energy many of you have already found for applying it to your own personal lives is blowing me away. My disciples are pumped and many of them swirling with their own ideas for taking things to the next level-for which I’m uber-grateful!
Oh my gosh. Thank goodness for that coffee bar chat. Y’all, God is up to something here! Wanna learn more? Be sure to share your email with us to stay in the know.