Spiritual Motherhood
On motherhood…in the family of God.
You were made for this!
My conversation on Mother's Day...
Me: I think I'm the luckiest mom in the world!
Callie: Well, don't you think that'd be Mary?
Me: Well. yes. Yes I do.
Being a mom is a blessing beyond compare. It’s equally hard and wonderful, like stoking a fire in a snowstorm. Having a great mom is, likewise, seriously the best. I’m lucky enough to be able to claim both of these today.
As a greater community, a collective sisterhood, I’m also remembering today that our experiences and current feelings about motherhood are all over the map. Regarding motherhood, some of us are grieving while others rejoice. Some are missing their moms or their babies who’ve too soon departed, and others are right in the throws of raising babies - or teenagers. Yikes!
As women, we all play many roles in our lives. Because of the intensely intimate relationship we all have with motherhood, I’d like to suggest to us all that this special relationship we have with mothering, and being mothered, extends directly over to our spiritual journey, as well.
You’ve been created for spiritual motherhood.
As women in the Kingdom of God, God calls us to both familial motherhood and spiritual motherhood. And whatever your present life circumstances, whether yet inexperienced with raising children, exhausted from the snowstorm in your home, or wishing the quiet of an empty nest weren’t so noisy, I invite you to cast your eyes with me on this second mumming role God has uniquely called you to as a Christian woman.
Consider the role you might play as a spiritual mom - right now - in the lives of potential Jesus-followers, as well as other believers who may be just one step behind you along their discipleship journey:
Comparisons: Familial mom vs. spiritual mother
Familial moms give birth to their children (or adopt them into the family).
Spiritual moms lead them to God (1 Peter 1:23, 1 Cor. 4:15) and toward adoption in Christ.
Let’s not forget, though, that as with Moses one of us needs to come along and pick up the baby in the basket!
Mothers feed their children and help them grow.
Spiritual moms provide spiritual food, progressing from milk to meat. (1 Cor. 3:2, Heb. 5:12)
Except for those of us who have a meat allergy because ticks are the worst…then obviously coconut milk and tofu. :)
Moms nurture their kiddos and spend time with them. (Isa. 49:15, 66:13)
Spiritual mommas similarly care for their children in Christ: providing kind and godly counsel; sharing hugs, tears and laughter; creating a safe place to make mistakes and to be one’s real self; and, showing interest in them.
Familial moms teach each their children.
Obviously, this is a key calling in the Great Commission for spiritual moms. Here are some descriptions from scripture of spiritual teaching:
Both formal and informal (Prov. 22:6, Deut. 4:9, 6:7, 2 Tim. 4:2)
Providing knowledge and wisdom (James 1:5, Prov. 9:10, 2 Timothy 1:5, 3:14-15, Proverbs 1:7-9, Psalm 145:4)
Sharing both truth and life (1 Thessalonians 2:8)
Imparting vision (Prov. 29:18)
Role modeling the investments (tupos impressions) made into us (2 Timothy 1:13)
Moms love their children - unconditionally, and in just the way each individual child needs.
Spiritual mothers, too, love the flock God’s given them and seek to provide selfless agape love to each person individually (1 Peter 4:8, John 15:12-13), individualizing her approach to suit the personality of the woman she’s leading.
What else?
Mothers help their children see who they truly are inside and their authentic gifts and potential.
They point out when change is needed and nudge them forward.
Mom help their kids try new things, keep practicing, persevere when it gets hard, and develop confidence.
They offer protection when possible, warning their kiddos of danger, encouraging them toward holiness, and praying for their spiritual strength.
And one day, moms let their children go, and they leave the nest. In reality, it was always leading up to this. (Ps. 127:3-5)
PS…keep reading below about perfect mothering. Hint: nobody expects you to do all (or any) of these things perfectly!!
The Launch is Coming.
One day your children will leave the nest. It’s exciting. Sometimes it’s also sad and worrisome. This is still a few years off with our three children at home, but I’ve been fortunate enough to launch discipleship groups out eight times now. Same feelings apply!
Trust God, mom. The greatest adventures God has planned for them lie ahead. (Ps. 139:16) Why must you let them go? Because, they were created to be fruitful and multiply. (Gen. 1:28, Matt. 28:18-20)
Spiritually speaking, one day the launch comes for the spiritual mom, the disciple-maker, too. It’s then spiritual motherhood becomes, more fully, spiritual sisterhood.
…Honestly, big and little sisters of mine, I think it always was a sisterhood of sorts. We’re all in the same boat, aren’t we? We all need Jesus. We all need one another.
Therefore, let’s keep linking arms together, inviting others along who may be a step or two behind in this discipleship adventure, loving on one another, and pointing each other to the Rock.
Need some guidance on how to connect with and raise spiritual children, or make disciples, as a Kingdom momma? Check out my discipleship resources to learn more.
He’s Leading You.
Don’t forget…No mom will ever mother perfectly. We all know this, but remind yourself today that God chose you for this mothering adventure on purpose, at just this time. Lean on Him and He will take care of the rest.
And when it's hard, and you're tired, remember that God bends down to listen to you (Ps. 116:2) and gently leads those who have young ones at their feet (Isa. 40:11).
Because of his promise in the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20), you can trust that your Shepherd will be with you and will help you in fulfilling his command to pour your life into those he has entrusted to you, both in your home and into every other circle of your life's influence for the sake of the gospel.
Your reward is great. God’s Word says your spiritual children's lives of faith will bring you JOY, a heavenly CROWN, and true LIFE. (1 Thes. 2:19, 3:8)
“Motherhood is perhaps the greatest example of a long, long string of small things that, done with great love and extra thought, can have ripple effects that go on for generations.” -unknown
two final questions:
1. Have you been spiritually loved and equipped by another woman in this way?
If not, who do you know right now, one step or season ahead of you in walking out this life with Jesus, whom you might ask to pour into you, to encourage and challenge you, for a time?
2. Who might God have for you to love and teach as a spiritual mom?
God chooses and uses imperfect moms as His vessel of love and truth for babes in Christ. Reach out in order to be a blessing to others. And remember, just as familial mothers know, you too will grow more through this experience than you'd ever dreamed you might!