Dawning Light

Christmastime can be hard for a lot of us. For my children and I, it’s a reminder of deep loss and pain, and it can be especially hard to join in all the merriment while grief is sneaking around threatening to drag you back down once again without warning. And yet, right there in the middle of the darkness, well that’s where the light dawns.

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Passover to the Promised Land

No Friday night fish fries. No Easter egg hunts on the horizon. Amazon delivery dates too late for Easter basket filling. Ahh, the disruption! How are we supposed to get ready for Easter? What’s left of Lent? Here’s some good news: Jesus came to free us from a performance-based, check-box approach to life. Insert deep breath here. So maybe this year, pressing pause on our usual pre-Easter busyness, we switch things up and deepen our walk with the Risen Lamb.

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