3 Tips for Leading Small Group Discussions
Let’s say you've taken that first leap forward and invited another person or a couple of folks to join you (or at least thought about doing it a million times). Now, prepare to confidently lead discussions with your small batch and increase your group's engagement in the conversation. Check out the top three tips for leading small group discussions right out of Tracy’s facilitator bag of tricks.
1. Stick to your purpose.
No.1 Tip for Leading Small Group Discussions - Reflect on the unique and specific purpose of your time together every time you meet. Stick to activities and conversations that contribute to that purpose, and forget the rest.
#2 Listen up!
No.2 - Remember the 80/20 Rule. Do more listening than talking. The general rule is 20% talking, 80% listening as the facilitator of a group conversation or experience. Avoid always being the first person to share your thoughts. Ask questions to help others think through a topic and get more ideas on the table.
#3 Lean into silence.
No. 3 - Silence is golden. Lean into it. When a group is quiet, they are most likely thinking.
Wait at least 8 seconds after asking a question before rephrasing if no one responds. Chances are, if you wait, someone else will open up and move the conversation forward.
Which tip are you most excited to try out? Discussions and activities are the most valuable way to use your time when you gather together as a small batch, maximizing the connections of the group and allowing every person to share and contribute their own thoughts, ideas, experiences and wisdom. Strive to create a space where input is balanced, each person feels valued and included, and the experience is greater than you could’ve had on your own.
Be sure to reach out via social media @tracysullivandiscipleship and share with the SBD community how your gatherings are going. While you’re at it, tag a friend or two who you’d love to have a conversation with! ✊💥 #smallbatchdiscipleship #followingjesustogether