Down with Anxiety

Many of us are struggling with anxiety these days, whether it’s health concerns with COVID-19 on the rise, job loss due to quarantine mandates, or loneliness and chaos in the home given our new virtual work and school norms. Meanwhile, stress and anxiety are problematic for our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Don’t let that stress you out, though! Here are a few simple tips to bring the stress hormones down a notch.

  1. Breathe deeply.

  2. Smile and laugh.

  3. Get some exercise.

  4. Focus on what you can control and on those things that are most important to you.

  5. Replace negative self-talk with something more positive and inspiring.

If you want to clear a bad habit out of your life, like negative self talk and worry, you’ll have to put something else in its place. Try setting your mind on God’s Word!

”A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22