Your Emotions and “EQ”

Your emotions. Why are they there? What do they reveal about you? And, how do you master them to present to the world the best possible reflection of yourself?

Your emotions are your body’s way of interpreting all the data that comes to your brain via your senses. It quickly interprets those neuromessages and causes you to react in the safest way possible, usually so quickly you don’t even realize it’s happening. One problem: your knee-jerk reaction to the situation might not be the most effective or beneficial choice.

Emotional intelligence, or your “EQ,” is your ability to understand your own emotions, to accurately pick up on social cues from other people, and to adjust your behavior in order to be most effective in your everyday relationships and interactions - in spaces like your marriage, family, friendships, work and ministry.

Why should you care about EQ?? Simply put, because you are here to be in relationship with God and with other people. The better you are able to bring your best self forward, the more effective you’ll be at whatever you do and the more beneficial your interactions will be for both you and the people around you.

Since your emotions are an important part of you and your human experience, they shouldn’t be ignored or checked at the door. Rather, they are revealing something important to you about how you’re experiencing the world around you, and most likely something from your personal history lies just below the surface.

Because your brain has the ability to keep growing and changing over time, your practice of self-awareness (observing your feelings, naming your emotions, reflecting on your experiences) and self-management (slowing down, breathing deeply, using positive self-talk, getting a good night’s rest, exercise, sunshine and fresh air) can help you replace those pesky knee-jerk reactions and to present the best reflection of yourself to the world around you - your creative, funny, compassionate, intelligent self.

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What IS Emotional Intelligence  Your EQ is your ability to understand your own emotions to accurately pick up on social cues from other people and to adjust your behavior in order to be most effective in your everyday relationships and interactions.…
What IS Emotional Intelligence  Your EQ is your ability to understand your own emotions to accurately pick up on social cues from other people and to adjust your behavior in order to be most effective in your everyday relationships and interactions.…